Saturday, 5 September 2015


Last week, there was the yearly international conference from the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) in Exeter (from 1-4 Sept). The RGS had selected a couple of papers which they thought would be interesting for the press. The contribution from me and my colleague Duncan Russel about our study on the Dawlish railway line was included in the RGS’ press release. Well and indeed, apparently, it was interesting for the media! As several approached me for an interview. Within 2 days I had given 3 interviews for radio, 1 for television and 1 for a newspaper. As addressing the media is pretty new for me, it was quite a steep learning curve. I realized how intense it is!! It takes quite some concentration and effort to explain the main points of the study as clear and accessible as possible and at the same time as short and concise as possible. If you’d like to have a look at how our study was covered in the media, here are some links:

- National news radio programme on BBC 5 Live, Drive, around 1u48min (available until end of September):

- Regional radio, BBC Radio Devon, I haven’t been able yet to locate around which time (let me know if you do) (also available until end of September):

- Local radio, Radio Exe, but I don’t think the clip is available online:

- The clip in the regional television news programme BBC Spotlight is unfortunately no longer available online